Tuesday, February 03, 2015

SQL Saturday ALBER..ALBUq...ALBURQUERQUE... New Mexico

I was thrilled to get the email confirming that I was selected to speak at SQLSaturday #358 on February 07, 2015. 

Its been two years since I went to New Mexico, as I then had the honor of speaking at the inaugural event. I am happy to return. Last year, family got in the way of my attending. I cant remember what i had to do instead, but I am sure it was the right decision to hang with my family then.

This time around, I am bringing my 15yr old daughter with me. She is learning how to drive, and a road trip is one of the ways we solve this dilemma in my family. So why not make a 9 hour trek south to New Mexico and back? 

We will be leaving midday on Thursday, driving 5 hours, and spending the night in Utah, near the border. The next day will be Friday, and we will get up and go see four corners area, which we have never seen before. Then travelling to New Mexico. Once there, im sure we'll hit the hotel, and then make our way to the speaker dinner. I love attending these little get togethers, so that we can see and say hi to our #sqlfamily. Hugs and introductions to my daughter will be in order. And food. 

The next day will find us both attending the SQL Saturday event. I will force my daughter to attend my session, just so there are at least 3 of us in there. Me, her, and the room proctor. 
She will hang out and maybe go with me to sessions, or maybe run the PASS booth. I will spend some time behind the table myself, helping out the region that I used to mentor as an RM for PASS. This recently changed, and I lost this area as one of my responsibilities. I am sad to miss out on continued interactions with these folks. But will do so from the #sqlfamily perspective instead.

At my session we will be talking about documentation. And I would love to assign you homework, if you are going to be in this session. Bring to me some piece of a potential document, and lets work on it either in the session or after, and apply the techniques we'll discuss. Documenting what we do is so vital, and has become an important part of my job. I dont necessarily love to document, but I do love when it has been done properly. 

After the event, I am not sure yet if we will be attending the after party. I will probably let my dear daughter decide this. It will have been a long day of potential boredom for her. 

The next day, we will make the 9 hour journey back home. Trading off in the duties of driving, and helping her learn how to drive. It will be exciting ans scary. If you are of the persuasion that prays, please keep us in mind, since we almost die everytime she gets behind the wheel. Just kidding, she is not that terrible, but still, its a bit scary, I'll admit.

I took my son with me to San Diego SQL Saturday, and we made a trip out of it. At the tail end of PASS, my wife came to visit me, and we made a trip out of it as well. I took my oldest daughter to Austin this last weekend. And this next weekend will find me in Albuquerque, with my other child. We are making the most out of these events, combining work and family, #sqlfamily and SQL. 

I look for to these events, to sharing my knowledge and experiences, to learning from you, and seeing my #sqlfamily. 
