Wednesday, October 05, 2011

FirstTimers Cheat Sheet 3 : More Humans to Hunt

In an effort to not leave anyone out from one of my previous blogs where I went into considerable detail on some 20 individuals, I have a larger list of humans to hunt while at #SQLPASS next week. Now, in case some of you complain, this list is not comprehensive either. But is an attempt to list out those humans that have interacted with me to a degree that they stood out and i listed them. This is in no way a complete list of the people you should hunt.

So, onto the list. Add these fine folks to your network. Learn from them. Each one has a certain set of skills that help them in their daily work and personal lives. I bet if you try, you will find something that you can learn from them as I have. The best part is that they too are willing to share this information with you. So we can all become better. All of us.

kevin kline
adam mechanic
jonathan kehayias
joe webb
aaron bertrand
jessica moss
randy knight
geoff hitten
jes borland
lori edwards
jeramiah peshka
alan hirt
lous davidson
neil hambly
karla landrum
rodney landrum
meredith ryan-smith
ted krueger
ben miller
rob farley
paul white
mladen prajdic
tim mitchell
jack corbett
phillip beazley
argenis fernandez
erin stellato
kendal van dyke
kathi kellenberger
scott stauffer
brian knight
simon sabin
tara kizer
robert davis
merrill aldrich
jorge segarra
bill fellows
doug lane
joseph richberg
peter shire
tim ford

Since the goal of the Summit, in my opinion is to Learn and Network, this is the Network portion, which I have relabeled Hunt. Now we have LURN / HUNT as the two goals of the summit.

As with the previous list, I challenge you to find these folks. Meet them. Add them to your network. If someone can meet all these, as with the previous list, and bring me proof, you will win a prize. Some of these fine folks I have yet to meet IRL and hope to do so this summit myself.

When you are not LURNing, happy HUNTing.

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